NewBorn Concepts | Inspiring Positive Preganancies, Births, and Breastfeeding Babies TM
Ready To Take Action To Have The Birth That
You Deserve and Desire?
Read – Change Your Mind – Change Your Birth
by Robin B. Frees
Robin Frees IBCLC is a prominent and sought after lactation
consultant serving new mothers on the Main Line and
in surrounding areas.
However, Robin’s practice, NewBorn Concepts also offers
childbirth classes for expecting parents.
She is a certified HypnoBirthing instructor and teaches regular
classes for expecting parents who want to experience a more
relaxed and natural birth.
In fact, Robin was recently sought out by the Philadelphia
Expectant Mother’s Guide to write an article on this unique,
effective, and respected program.
To see Robin’s full article entitled: Change Your Mind –
Change Your Birth just click this link.
To save a place in one of Robin’s HypnoBirthing classes
you can register on line at
or call Robin’s office at 610-644-1379.
Are you a new or expecting mother?
Working but want to breastfeeed your new baby at work?
MSNBC has recently aired a piece on the issues faced by
working women and professionals who want to breastfeed
their babies.
For more information on breasfeeding in the work place
for employers, or for employees see our earlier article on
breast feeding at work, or
Click here for the MSNBC piece on nursing in the work place
and the new law.
Robin B. Frees
Robin Frees on HR compliance and breastfeeding support
Robin Frees is the Director of NewBorn Concepts, which
provides home visits and offfice vists for mothers who need
the help of an experienced, qualified, and certified lactation
Robin Frees and NewBorn concepts also counsel businesses
and corporations on compliance with the new work
place rules and on how to build employee friendly practices.
You can reach Robin or NewBorn Concepts at 610-644-1379.
If you need a lactation consultant or help with breastfeeding and you are looking in the 19355 zip code, please click here for
more information on local lactation consultants.
Are you a new mother in the West Chester, Pennsylvania area? Are you facing nursing
problems, sleepless nights, problems latching the baby,or knowing when and how
often to nurse?
D0 you need more information than the brief talk you got when you left the hospital?
Did you know that many nursing problems can be easily remedied with the right
help, advice, and a instruction?
At NewBorn Concepts, our lactation consultants are certified, experienced, and make house calls
in the West Chester area or will see you in our convenient offices in Malvern, and Wayne
Robin B. Frees, Director
NewBorn Concepts 610-644-1379
For a $15.00 discount on an office or home visit, mention this offer: NBC WEST
CHESTER when making your appointment.
This offer is good for appointments made within the next 24 Hours.
NewBorn Concepts – Robin Frees Director
Serving the Main Line, West Chester, Malvern, Phoenixville, and
King of Prussia
If you are returning to work and want to continue pumping, then
Pumping when you return to work is a great decision to help you
to maintain supply and to continue to feed your baby breastmilk.
Pumping CD
Here is a brief list of pointers for returning
to work and pumping:
1) Talk to your employer in advance
(HR if you work for a larger company)
2) Help to identify a private place where
you will be relaxed and not likely to be
3) The new health care reform bill requires
companies of over 50 employees to provide
a private space for pumping breaks (this space cannot be a bathroom)
4) Make sure that you have a pump commensurate with your needs
(your lactation consultant can advise you about what is appropriate)
5) Practice pumping for at least two weeks during your maternity leave
(this will also make sure that you have a small stock in the freezer)
If you’d like more information about returning to work, pumping at work, and
a relaxing hypnotic sound track timed for a perfect work pumping break session,
and scientifically designed to enhance your pumping experience then please
visit our site at
You can listen to free samples of the cd tracks to decide if these are for you.
Enjoy returning to work and again congratulations on a great decision to keep
pumping for yourbaby.
If you need to see a certified lactation consultant for a home visit or if you’d
prefer an office visit, the please contact NewBorn Concepts at 610-644-13779.
NewBorn Concepts has convenient offices located in Malvern and Wayne but
also offers home visits by qualified and experienced lactation consultants through
out the Main Line, West Chester, King of Prussia, Phoenixville, and Chester Springs
Robin B. Frees IBCLC
Robin Frees on HR compliance and breastfeeding support
P.S. Enjoy listening to our many products for new
Moms at
Are you a breast feeding mother?
Sometimes, a visit with a highly qualified Lactation Consultant is just what you and your baby need. But many
time, you just need access to more information and resources.
Resource Links For Breastfeeding Mothers – The Main Line, King of Prussia, Exton, Malvern, and West Chester PA
As we find resource pages for breastfeeding mothers, we’ll be publishing the links so that you have more resources.
Here are a few that clients and our lactation consultants have recommended for new mothers and breastfeeding moms.
Resources from
Breastfeeding Answers from La Leche League
Breastfeeding Publications from the CDC
We hope that these resources are helpful and please feel free to leave more suggestions by leaving a comment below.
For more information or an in home or office consultation by one of our
Certified Lactation Consultants, please call NewBorn Concepts at 610-644-1379
New Born Concepts, Robin Frees Director, offers in home visits and in office visit for
nursing mothers who need help with breastfeeding. While many of our clients are referred by
their pediatrician, please feel free to call us directly for an appointment. Many appointments are
covered by insurance.
We provide home visits throughout the Main Line, including Malvern, Devon, Wayne, Berwyn, and
King of Prussia as well as West Chester, Exton, Downingtown and Phoenixville.
If you need a lactation consultant or help with breastfeeding and you are looking in the 19355 zip code, please click here for
more information on local lactation consultants.
At NewBorn Concepts, our lactation consultants are certified, experienced, and make house calls or
will see you in our convenient offices in Malvern, and Wayne Pennsylvania.
Robin B. Frees, Director
NewBorn Concepts 610-644-1379
For a $10.00 discount on an office or home visit, mention this offer: NBC WEB OFFER when making your appointment.
This offer is good for appointments made within the next 24 Hours.
Robin Frees on HR compliance and breastfeeding support
By: Robin B. Frees IBCLC
HR Directors and Breastfeeding Support under the Health Reform Act
If you responsibilities include Human Resources, you face a dizzying array of legal changes and new regulations.
For that reason, you may not be aware of the changes taking place in the area or corporate lactation programs and
breastfeeding support in the work place.
This article briefly reviews this issue and the resources now available to both small and large companies who want to provide additional
support for breastfeeding in the work place.
Why be concerned?
First, the health reform act will soon require such programs for companies of fifty or more employees. And many small and large companies
already provide lactation programs for new mothers including: Patagonia, Cigna, The Department of Defense, as well as small firms including
family businesses and small professional practices.
In fact, even small companies can are finding that they can benefit from the establishment of these inexpensive and high ROI programs.
These programs have a very high return on investment by reducing absenteeism, lowering health care costs and reducing turn over rate.
They also improve your companies status as a family friendly corporation.
These programs can be as simple as providing a private
space to more complex series of benefits such as training, breaks, and space for nursing.
Since breast fed babies are clinically proven to be sick less often, the benefits are obvious.
The health reform bill also provides that companies of over fifty employees will be required to have such a support
And, while the specific regulations have not yet been promulgated, savvy companies should be ahead of the curve and
should implement simple and inexpensive programs.
For more information about how your small or large company can begin to quickly, and
inexpensively implement a breast feeding support program that will give returns on
investment and make employees healthier and happier, please call Robin B. Frees, IBCLC
and a representative of the Business Case For Breastfeeding which is sponsored
by NewBorn Concepts.
You can reach Robin at 610-644-1379 for your free tool kit, and consultation on
corporate lactation for your employees.
If your company is in the Philadelphia area please call for more information.
To: New Mothers Who Need Breastfeeding Help
From: Robin Frees
Date: 12/6/09
Subject: New Services Announcement DROP-IN HOURS!!! (no appointment needed)
For more information, please review this brief note that we just sent to the practices that refer to us.
In these difficult times, some mothers are forgoing the expense of a lactation consultation
and end up weaning earlier than desired. However the expense of formula for a year can
be over $2000 while the cost of a consultation is around $150.
In order to meet the needs of your patients, NewBorn Concepts is offering a new
service – “Drop-in hours”.
Every Monday from 9:30 – 11:30 am, we will have a board certified lactation
consultant available for drop in hours at our Wayne office location
(110 W. Lancaster Ave. Suite 200).
No appointment is necessary for this low cost, personalized session
($20 for 20 minutes) and mothers can discuss any breastfeeding concerns
such as feeding frequency, pumping, milk supply, nipple soreness,
returning to work etc…
If we determine the mother needs a full consultation (90 minutes) we will
schedule one for later in the week (often the next day) and discount the fee
by the $20. Full consultations occur at our Malvern office or home visit.
We hope your patients find this new service useful. Please post the attached
announcement. More information will follow.
Thank you for your help,
Robin Frees
So, if you would like the opportunity to meet with a certified
lactation consultant at one of our convenient area offices, then please
drop in during the new Monday hours. We look forward to seeing you and
to helping you to have a better nursing experience with your new baby.
Robin B. Frees Primary office:
116 E. King Street
Malvern, PA 19355
T/F: 610-644-1379
Office for drop in hours: 11o West Lancaster Avenue
Suit 200
Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087
Robin Frees FAQs on Nursing Breast Feeding After Complications of Delivery
What if…
Sometimes due to complications during delivery
your baby may not feel up to latching on,
nursing, and learning a new skill right away. Medications
can make the baby sleepy and forceps
or vacuum deliveries can cause bruises that make feeding
If your baby has to be separated from you or has not successfully
latched on the hospital staff may want to feed him another way.
Finger feeding with a tube, cup feeding or bottle feeding are options
you may have to consider. In this case you can ask the staff to get you
a breast pump so that you can begin to stimulate your milk supply.
Even if your baby has not latched on or breastfeeding is temporarily interrupted, if you can pump
your milk and maintain a full milk supply your baby will eventually breastfeed.
Skin to skin contact with your infant in those early days will encourage his interest in breastfeeding
even if he is not interested in latching on yet. When he can see, feel and smell the breast many times a
day, he will eventually figure out what to do with it.
Forcing your baby to do something he or she is not ready to do will not work. It only discourages a
positive attitude about breastfeeding. Once you settle in at home, continue to pump your milk with
a double electric pump to build your supply and contact a lactation consultant for a full evaluation
of your situation. Usually, the sooner a problem is addressed the easier it is to solve.
Some babies begin to latch better in a few days and others take a few weeks! When a mother is
committed to breastfeeding, can continue to pump a full supply of milk and create a calm relaxed
skin to skin experience for her baby at the breast, her baby will one day choose to breastfeed and never look back.
Robin B. Frees, HBCE, IBCLC is a Chester County and Montgomery County based lactation consultant.
She has a private practice in the MainLine/Chester County area with offices in Malvern and Wayne.
Her business, NewBornConcepts also offers home visits for new mothers. She can be reached at 610-644-1379 or
Do you have a newborn baby? Are you interested in nursing or breastfeeding?
Has your physician referred you to us for a breastfeeding consultation?
Call 610-644-1379 for a home visit or an office visit with Robin Frees or one of her lactation consultants.
Tags: 19355 breastfeeding, 19355 nursing baby, breastfeeding, complications and nursing, delivery and nursing, lactaion, Newborn Concepts, nursing, nursing and medications, Robin B. Frees, Robin Frees
This information is provided by Robin B. Frees, director of New Born Concepts located in Malvern Pennsylvania.
Robin and her team of certified lactation consultants offer both home and office visits for new mothers requiring help
with breastfeeding issues and pumping as well as issues faced when returning to work. Communities served include Malvern, King of Prussia,
Wayne, Exton, Downingtown, West Chester and many others.
Even though breastfeeding or nursing may be best for my baby, I think that :
It may be hard to learn.
Like any new skill (driving, dancing…) there is a learning period (the first 6 weeks) then there is a reward period.
With support and education women can make it to the reward period. “I never saw a baby nursing until I nursed my own.”
It may hurt.
IT IS NOT SUPPOSED TO HURT! Early newborn tenderness might peak between day 3 and 7. Toe curling pain, cracks,
blisters and bleeding are not normal and are a sign of a problem that needs attention.
It may be embarrassing.
Mothers can practice discreet nursing in front of a mirror or at a support group of other nursing mothers. Motherwear has a
“Discreet Nursing Pamphlet” available for free. Even if a mother cannot overcome this feeling, she can pump and bottle feed while in public.
It may ruin my figure.
Nursing mothers can lose up to a pound a week and still breastfeed successfully. Pregnancy already changed her body, nursing, along with
exercise and a healthy diet will reduce the effect of the pregnancy.
It may ruin my sex life.
A new baby can ruin a sex life even if you are not breastfeeding! We can’t blame everything on breastfeeding. Relationships are changed
by children but with patience and communication they can grow to a deeper level of underst anding.
I’d have to change the way I eat.
Eat when hungry and drink when thirsty. Your body will tell you if you are not getting enough. Baby will get the same quality
breastmilk no matter what you eat but if your diet is poor than you will not feel as good as when you eat right. Most foods in
moderation have no effect on breastfeeding babies.
I wouldn’t make enough milk.
Only about 2-5% of all women cannot actually make enough milk. Everyone else just has a temporary decrease in their
supply that with the right information can be increased.
I couldn’t smoke or drink.
Breastfeeding can help protect a baby against respiratory infections that are more common in infants who live in a
house with a smoker. A mother can decrease how much she smokes and only smoke right after a feed to decrease the
amount of toxins in the breastmilk. Mothers should never smoke in the same room as the baby anyway.
Drinking occasionally and in moderation is OK especially if mother pumps milk containing too much alcohol or waits
to nurse til her blood alcohol level has decreased.
I couldn’t take “the pill”.
Once a milk supply is established (6-8 weeks) a progesterone mini pill may not have any effect on a mother’s supply.
Also, an IUD is also another alternative.
I couldn’t return to work or school.
Now that quality breast pumps are available for rent or purchase many options for maintaining a milk supply are possible
while mother is away from her baby. Planning ahead and good information and support are helpful.
Prepared by Robin B. Frees, BA, IBCLC
References: LLLI The Breastfeeding Answer Book and Nursing Mother, Working Mother by Gale Pryor
Robin B Frees, BA, CHt, HBCE, IBCLC
NewBorn Concepts
HypnoFertility Educator
HypnoBirthing Educator
Infant Massage Instructor
Board Certified Lactation Consultant
Home visits are available to the following zip codes and many other local areas:
19355, 19460, 19380, 19382, 19462, 19341, 19087
Tags: 19087 breastfeeding help, 19380 breastfeeding help, breastfeeding answers, breastfeeding help 19425, breastfeeding help 19426, breastfeeding help wayne Pa, breastfeeding info, help with breasfeeding, lactation consultant 19355, lactation consultant 19460, nursing mothers advice