NewBorn Concepts | Inspiring Positive Preganancies, Births, and Breastfeeding Babies TM

Breastfeeding Tips – Scheduling or Feeding On Demand?

There is much to be said about breastfeeding
the new born.

This video is worth the few minutes it takes to review –
especially for the new mother.

It covers issues of timing, scheduling and more.

Below I’ve also included some resources for new mothers
concerned about milk supply and/or pumping.

Breastfeeding video for new moms

<iframe width=”560″ height=”315″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

For more resources on making more milk and pumping
check this out –

Stress In New Moms, Milk Supply and Breastfeeding

Are you a nursing mom concerned about sufficient
milk supply?

Do you feel stressed about pumping and/or returning to work?

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Relaxation and Stress Reduction

Being a new mom is a beautiful and exciting experience.
And being committed to nursing your baby is also a wonderful
bonding opportunity.

But the stresses of life, and of returning to work can and often
do contribute to concerns about milk supply, stress, and nursing.

Since stress has been shown to negatively impact supply,
we have created a new set of resources for breastfeeding moms.

These resources and a great video, dedicated to sress reduction,
building milk supply,
and returning to work and pumping
are all available at

You can read about them and sample the soothing mp3s created
especially for nursing moms
concerned with her supply, who needs
to reduce stress and to feel more relaxed and capable, and for moms
who are returning to work and planning to pump.

Pumping CD

Pumping CD

To listen to samples of these soothing and effective mp3s
or cds for nursing mothers just click here.

Making More Milk

Making More Milk

Beyonce, Breastfeeding in Public, Returning To Work and You

Have you ever had issues or even been confronted
while breastfeeding in public?

Have other mothers, shop owners, employers, waiters
or others made you feel uncomfortable about
breastfeeding publicly – even if

Are you considering returning to work and wondering
about nuring or pumping while working?

While society’s attitudes and work place rules about nursing and
breastfeeding are changing and becoming more supportive,
many mothers still face restictions and condemnation about
nursing their babies (however discretly) in public places.

Beyonce, however has no such personal concerns and
this article discusses her experiences nursing her new baby


The breastfeeding article also contains links related to
the issues face by nursing mothers.

And, here’s another link to a article on how to
nurse in public.

For more information on pumping and returning to work, visit

Pumping CD

Pumping CD

At, we
also have a resource for new Moms that is relaxing and the
perfect tool for increasing your milk supply
and for stress reduction
to support your milk supply when returning to work.

Breastfeeding Shouldn’t Hurt – Avoiding Pain and Achieving A Successful Latch

Breastfeeding Shouldn’t Hurt
Achieving Successful Latch

By: Robin B. Frees IBCLC and Videos by
Dr. Jack Newman

We have all heard someone say it – “Breastfeeding can be painful
for the first few… days, hours, weeks”

But the truth is, that pain associated with breastfeeding
is not normal and may be associated with a number of factors or
conditions that can be easily cured or corrected with the right
advice and information.

One of the most common causes of pain associated with
breastfeeding, is an improper latch when putting the baby to the

What are the signs of a poor latch that might be causing
pain during breastfeeding?

1) Smacking sounds when the baby is nursing

2) A biting sensation when at the breast

3) A compression mark on the nipple after feeding

4) Nipple is released or falls out of the baby’s mouth when it pauses

5) Bleeding after nursing

6) Baby is failing to gain weight

7) Any PAIN following feeding.

Again, breastfeeding should not hurt and pain is simply
not normal.

So if you are experiencing any pain during nursing, be sure
to consult your doctor or a certified lactation consultant
in your area as quick and often simple interventions
can eliminate even greater pain later.

If you’d like more information and good videos
on achieving a great latch, here are a few videos
of Dr. Jack Newman:

Robin B Frees IBCLC is a Malvern PA based
certified lactation consultant and director of
NewBorn Concepts which serves Malvern, and the
Western Main Line, Phoenixville, Collegeville, Exton and
surrounding communities.

For Office or Home visits by a certified lactation
consultant: 610-644-1379

HypnoBirthing – Using Hypnosis To Achieve The Birth You Desire

Space is Limited For The January Class

Two spots are already taken and only two
or three more couples can still join.

If you’re due in February, March or April, this
is the class for you.

Register now to save your spot.

Why register now for the January class?

This class starts on January 7th.  But……

You want the time to learn, practice and become
great at the skills of relaxing to achieve a more
natural birth and the birth that you desire.

For more information on HypnoBirthing generally
click here.

To pay your deposit and reserve one
of the two or three remaining spots click here.

For questions about reistering for the class
call Robin Frees IBCLC at 610-644-1379.

Who is This Class For?

This Class IS for You If:

If you are pregnant and expecting to deliver in February
March, or April

You want a calmer, easier, and more pleasant birth
experience for you and your baby

If you want a natural birth this is for you but
these techniques can also be used if you have an
epidural or even in the case of a cesarean birth

You’re looking for a class that you can take with
a birth companion that’s proven and time tested

You’ve taken HypnoBirthing or another birth class
before but want a refresher or a new perspective.

This May Not Be For You If:

You’re in the first trimester
(come to the next one!)

You’re not yet pregnant
(see you soon)

You feel that you’re already super
well prepared, calm, and totally
in control of your birth experience.

Register now and we look forward to seeing
you and makig sure that you feel calm,
well prepared, relaxed and ready for
a great birth experience.


Robin Frees on HypnoBirthing Class

Robin Frees on HypnoBirthing Class

Breastfeeding FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

#Breastfeeding – More Answers To Frequently
Asked Questions About Breastfeeding

Robin Frees on Breastfeeding FAQs

Robin Frees on Breastfeeding FAQs

In addition to our own FAQ section
on breastfeeding, we have also recently
located a site with a robust breastfeeding

Click the link below for more

Breastfeeding FAQs

Another valuable link on breastfeeding comes from the CDC
and relates to nursing when you have been exposed to certain

For more information on nursing or breastfeeding when you have been
exposed to certain medications, treatments and diseases you
can click on the highlighted breastfeeding links to the CDC below.

While this list is not intended to be complete or to
replace medical and lactation advice, the links below
should help you to ask the right questions. For information
about these issues, click below:

* Anthrax
* Breast Augmentation
* Exposure to Environmental Toxins
* Food-borne and Waterborne Illness during Breastfeeding
* Hepatitis B and C
* Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus (AIDS)
* Jaundice
* Malaria
* Prescription Drug Use
* Tobacco Use
* Toxoplasmosis
* West Nile Virus

There is a great deal of confusion and misinformation about the
limitations of mothers nursing their babies under certain medical
conditions. Be sure to consult your health care provider and/or
certified lactation consultant.

Brought to you by NewBornConcepts –
Robin B Frees Director

Follow Robin on Twitter
Facebook: NewBronConcepts

News About Breastfeeding, Nursing and Lactation Consultants

New mother, nursing mom, or expectant mother?

Interested in news, resources, and links and information
related to nursing, lactation consultants, and breastfeeding generally?

This page is periodically updated with news stories.
It does not reflect a particular view of NewBorn Conccepts,
or Robin Frees, IBCLC,

These stories are here for your information or enjoyment.
We also provide on going information about breastfeeding
and resources for mothers and families related to
nursing and breast feeding.

News Stories.

Intolerance for Nursing?

The Huffungton Post recently ran an article about our
cultural view of nursing. To read more about intolerance
of nursing and breastfeeding, click here.

If you see a news story that should be listed here, send an email to with a link.

If you want to reach Robin for an appointment or about
one of more of her classes, visit:


More on The Physiologial Challenges of Nursing Mothers

In our last post, Robin Frees – Lactation Consultant and
director of NewBorn Concepts was interviewed on the issues
and challenges faced by new mothers who want to breastfeed
their babies.

In this installment, Robin Frees is again interviewed by the Malvern
Patch for World Breastfeeding week
on the physical issues
and challenges faced by new mothers.

If you are currently nursing or you plan to breastfeed your
baby or babies, then these videos are a nice and quick review of
some issues, food for thought and designed to help
you to a successful breastfeeding experience.

Watch Robin address challenges of breastfeeding and
how to “create your success.”

Malvern Patch and World Breastfeeding Week

For information about home and office lactation consultations, fertility,
breastfeeding, and maintaining your milk supply visit or
call 610-644-1379.

The Challenges of Breastfeeding In Pennsylvania

For World Breastfeeding Week the Malvern and Radnor Patch
interviewed Main Line Lactation Consultant Robin B. Frees
from NewBorn Concepts in Malvern Pennsylvania on the
challenges faced by nursing mothers when they breastfeed.

Watch this video on the challenges ranging from social
acceptance of breastfeeding, modern attitudes, finding a
place to nurse and related issues and how to deal with them.

Making More Milk

Making More Milk

For more information about nursing and breastfeeding,
fertility, pre-natal classes and the many issues
faced by new mothers and parents visit NewBorn Concepts
or call Robin at 610-644-1379 for an appointment or
home or office visit.

Lactation Consultant Robin Frees On The News – World Breasfeeding Week

World Breast Feeding Week and Lactation Consultant
Robin Frees In The News

Local IBCLC and Lactation Consultant Robin Frees of NewBorn Conepts in Malvern
was interviewed this week by the Malvern and Radnor Patch news services for
AOL on the advantages of breast feeding for World Breast Feeding Week.

To see Robin’s interviews on the advantages of breast feeding click here
or see below.

To take a prenatal breastfeeding course, or for a home or office visit by
a certified lactation consultant, call 610-644-1379 or visit NewBorn Concepts

World Breast Feeding Week Information For The Main Line

More Benefits of Breast Feeding Video – Robin B Frees Lactation Consultant