NewBorn Concepts | Inspiring Positive Preganancies, Births, and Breastfeeding Babies TM

What Do I Do If My Baby “Bites” During Nursing?

Biting by a newborn, is not a normal behavior and you should call your lactation consultant

or health care provider.  However, biting can begin to occur when babies begin teething.

It is very unusual for a baby to bite early in the stages of nursing.  That behavior usually

occurs when a baby is “full” or satisfied.  It is however, a behavior to be discouraged.

One effective way to end biting is to remove the baby from the breast, to say “No” firmly but gently

and to put the baby down for a moment or two.

If your baby is teething, remeber to offer appropraite teething toys and/or a frozen

washcloth (a favorite homemade teething toy).

Robin B. Frees IBCLC is a lactation consultant with office in Malvern.

Her practice, NewBorn Concepts, also offers in home prenatal and

post natal visits by Robin and her Certified Lactation Consultants.





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